What is Stepping On?

Stepping On is a community-based falls prevention program aimed at educating participants and building confidence to reduce or eliminate falls.

Why should I be concerned about falling?

  • More than one third of adults age 65 and over fall each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of injury, hospital admission for trauma and death among older adults.

  • 35 percent of people who fall become less active and independent.

Who can best learn from Stepping On?

 Anyone who is age 60 and over, and has had a fall in the past year or is fearful of falling would benefit from Stepping On. It is designed for people living in a home or apartment and not suffering from dementia.

What will I learn if I participate?

  • Simple and fun balance and strength exercises.

  • The role vision plays in keeping your balance.

  • How medications can contribute to falls.

  • Ways to stay safe when out and about in the community.

  • What to look for in safe footwear.

What are the benefits of participating in Stepping On workshops? 

  • Learn the most up-to-date information about fall prevention.

  • Learn with people your own age. 

  • Become more aware of fall hazards and learn how your fall risk can be reduced.

  • Learn to step outside with confidence.

  • Help others by sharing what has worked for you.

Overview of Stepping On Sessions

Session 1 – Introduction, Overview, and Risk Appraisal
Building trust. Overview of the program and choosing what to cover. Share fall experiences, and introduction of balance and strength exercises.

Session 2 – The Exercises and Moving about Safely
Review and practice exercises. Explore the barriers and benefits of exercise. Moving about safely – chairs and steps, and learning not to panic after a fall.

Session 3 – Advancing Exercises and Home Hazards
Review and practice exercises. Discuss when and how to upgrade your exercises. Identify hazards in and about the home, and problem-solving solutions.

Session 4 – Vision and Falls, Community Safety, and Footwear
Review and practice exercises. Discussion on how vision can influence the ability to get around safely. Raise awareness of the type and range of fall hazards around the local community, and learn about the features of a safe shoe and identify clothing hazards.

Session 5 – Medication Management, Bone Health, and Sleeping Better
Identify the importance of Vitamin D, sunlight and calcium to protect from fall injury. Discuss medications that increase fall risk, and strategies to get better sleep.

Session 6 – Getting Out and About
Discuss, see and try hip protectors. Explore weather conditions that could lead to a fall. Practice safe mobility techniques in a nearby outdoor location.

Session 7 – Review and Plan Ahead
Review and practice exercises. Discuss personal accomplishments from the past seven weeks and reflect on what was learned. Review anything requested. Time for farewells and closure.

For more information about the Stepping On Workshop, call Blue Rivers AAA at 402-223-1376 or 888-989-9417.