It’s something you can do for yourself
There are solutions to some of the problems that face today’s older adults. Care Management can help you get the assistance you need at an affordable cost. Most of us know there is help for a particular situation, if we just knew where to look. That’s where Care Management Services can help. Our experience is to your benefit. We don't make decisions for you; we simply provide you with information and resources that will help you make more informed decisions.
State certified Care Management programs assist in coordinating in-home and community based services. We can help you find assistance for the services you need, whether they’re needed daily, weekly, or monthly.
A Care Manager knows what’s available in your community, and which agency does what. The Care Manager can cut through the red tape and speed up your request for services by coordinating with other agencies.
When you contact Care Management, qualified Care Managers will complete a comprehensive assessment to understand your needs and preferences. This helps us determine what type of assistance you’ll need. Care providers are then contacted by your Care Manager according to the types of services you have requested.
You can rely on our expertise because our interest is in you. We can assist you in making the right decisions.
The cost of Care Management won’t make you feel like you’re in over your head. The fees are affordable and based entirely on your level of income. Many in-home services are also affordable. Individuals will not be denied service based on inability to pay.
Because Care Managers are familiar with a variety of services available to older adults, you’ll have a number of options. Whatever types of services are recommended, you control what happens. You decide.
Care Management is available in all eight counties in the Blue Rivers AAA service area. Referrals are accepted from any source.
For more information about the Care Management program, call Blue Rivers AAA at 402-223-1376 or 888-989-9417.