Health Promotion
Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging Health Promotion program provides diseases prevention services or health promotion programs to assist older adults in preventing illness and manage chronic physical conditions. Although illness and disability rates increase with age, research has demonstrated that health promotion and disease prevention activities can help promote healthy and independent lives for older individuals.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention services promote healthy aging and the maintenance of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being in older adults. An active healthy lifestyle can help older adults prolong their independence and improve their quality of life.
Blue Rivers AAA provides evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion programs, such as Bingocize®, Tai Chi and Stepping On.
Bingocize® isn't just another health program—it's a vibrant fusion of fitness and health education that seamlessly incorporates the beloved game of bingo!
The combination is a winning formula that keeps Bingocizers coming back for more. Bingocize isn't just about exercise and health education—it's about creating memorable experiences infused with music, movement, and social connections.
Whether it's grooving to tunes, involving family and friends, or simply enjoying the company of fellow Bingocizers, the program is easily adaptable, making it a welcoming experience for everyone involved. Packed with surprises, Bingocize is a game-changer for older adults everywhere.
Bingocize® strategically combines the game of bingo, exercise, and/or health education. Trained lay leaders may select between three separate 10-week workshops that focus on exercise-only, exercise and falls prevention, or exercise and nutrition. Each workshop includes a facilitator’s script for each session and participants’ materials. Groups of participants play Bingocize® twice per week, with each 45-60 minute session consisting of exercises (range of motion, balance, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises) and/or health education questions. The program can be delivered using a traditional bingo game along with printed curriculum lay leader and participants’ materials or lay leaders and participants can use a web-based app to play Bingocize® in-person or remotely.
Tai Chi is a group program that focuses on improving functional ability, such as balance and physical function, to reduce fall-related risks and frequency. The program is led by trained Blue Rivers contractors.
The current program that focuses on 8 core moves derived from the 24 Yang style Tai Chi, was developed at ORI by Dr. Fuzhong Li and fellow researchers. It has been tested and demonstrated effective in decreasing the number of falls, the risk of falling, and fear of falling, and improving functional balance and physical performance among persons aged 70 and older.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) recognize the program as one of many evidence-based interventions for the prevention of falls.
The moves are slow, gentle movements that help participants focus on balance and reduce stress. It has been called meditation in motion. The class can be adapted to also benefit those who prefer to sit or who are confined to a wheelchair. The benefits to range of motion and one’s cardiopulmonary system will be noticed whether sitting or performing the gentle weight-transferring steps.
Stepping On is a Seven week program designed for people who are living at home and have experienced a fall or are concerned about falling. Stepping On incorporates a group setting plus individualized follow-up. It covers a range of issues, including falls and risk, strength and balance exercises, home hazards, safe footwear, vision and falls, safety in public places, community mobility, coping after a fall, and understanding how to initiate a medication review. Anyone who is age 60 and over, and has had a fall in the past year or is fearful of falling would benefit from Stepping On.
The program is an evidence-based program that is effective and proven to reduce falls in older people living in the community. The program incorporates strategies to implement positive lifestyle changes to keep you independent, upright and active.
This program is unsuitable for people with memory problems, certain progressive neurological disorders and people who are totally dependent on a walking frame. Stepping On has NOT been proven to work with Parkinson’s Disease clients.
For more information about upcoming classes or to register call Blue Rivers AAA at 402-223-1376 or 888-989-9417.